Coordinating a move of 1000 miles for 4 kids, 2 adults, 2 cats and 2 large dogs is a challenge. It’s an even bigger challenge when one of the kids is moving “out on her own” rather than moving with the family. My 18 year old daughter has one semester of high school left.  We all agreed that it was best for her to stay in our old town with a couple we know well from church until she is done with high school.  After she graduates she’ll come home for a bit before she goes off to college.  Having a child move out is an emotional experience. For me, it was worse because she was not the one leaving – I was. I struggled with feeling like I was abandoning her.  In reality I did not abandon her. After all, she is staying with an adult couple with whom I am friends. I am paying my daughter’s rent, car insurance, groceries, and gasoline costs. She also has a part-time job, so she’s well taken care of. Heck, she has it a lot better than most kids do at 18. Even so, it’s been a rough transition for me. Almost a month after the move I still find myself turning to share something cool with the daughter who stayed behind. Text is a wonderful thing. When I remember she is not here, I stop what I’m doing to send her a text.

All that aside, the move went well. The drive was uneventful, and everyone loves the house and the new state. Personally, I love the 2.69 acres that our house sits on. LOTS of room to grow my own veggies, fruits and herbs. Our first weekend here we bought and planted 2 pear trees, and 2 apple trees. Since then I have started about a dozen different types of seeds, and planted 2 rose bushes.


The most exciting thing about this move has been how easy, and inexpensive, it was to buy my business license here, and create my Limited Liability Corporation(LLC). I filed the paperwork to create msquill,Apple  Tree 2
Apple Tree 1 here in the new state yesterday. It required 4 pieces of paper, and about 10 minutes of my time, and it cost me under $200, total. That is a much easier process than in our previous state. I have to wait until it’s registered with the Secretary of State before its completely done and official. It takes up to 10 days here, but the paperwork has been filed, and my county business license is hanging on my wall.

My plan for msquill, LLC is the same as it’s always been — To educate people on how to use herbs to maintain, improve, and enhance their health, and their lives. Now that I have over 2 acres to play on, I can grow many of the herbs I use in my herbal recipes. Eventually, I will offer those herbs, and my prepared recipes for sale both locally and on msquill.

Degree wall 1





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