Low Dose Naltrexone
Low dose naltrexone, or LDN, is used by people with autoimmune disorders to help regulate the immune system. I use LDN as one piece of my ms management puzzle. Less than 24 hours after my first dose of LDN, I was able to spin my then 2 yr old daughter around in circles for the first time in her live. A little thing, maybe. But huge to me. My balance returned, my moods evened out, I stopped going into “overload”, and the last of my vision cleared.
I know people who have been diagnosed with autoimmune type cancers who used only LDN, diet and supplements as treatment are alive today to tell their story despite being given a death sentence.
LDN is typically helpful for people with Crohn’s disease, Lupus, Hashimoto’s, ms, als, and a host of other immune disorders.
For more information, got to theLow Dose Naltrexone website.