Getting Overheated

nyone have great tips on not getting overheated?

I’m an active person, I have to be – I have 6 kids to keep up with. But my biggest challenge seems to be avoiding overheating. We just walked down to the library and back, less than a mile total, and in that short walk I got overheated and, of course, am now having vision and balance issues.

We didn’t race, I didn’t run, it’s under 70 deg. outside, AND I’m wearing short sleeves. AND I still broke a sweat. Heck, I got overheated taking a 1 mile walk with my 12 yr old last night in 54 degree temps.

I don’t want to give up walking places. I enjoy walking. I have 30 lbs to loose, I need to walk in order to stay in shape.. and about the only time I have MS symptoms anymore is if I allow myself to get overheated.

So… suggestions or regulating the body’s natural thermometer?

Tell me your thoughts.