I love allergy season……..NOT.  My 12 yr old son has horrible allergies and sinus problems, just like his dad. Every spring it’s the same, the poor kid can’t breathe through his nose, he can’t breathe because his chest is tight, and he can’t focus, think or reason because he can’t breathe. The 12 yr old has Autism, and any kind of respiratory problems completely freak him out.

This year, I’ve come up with a solution to break up the congestion and calm the coughing. I’ve made an expectorant cough syrup for him.

Here’s the recipe I used:

6 Tablespoons Horehound

Cut Horehound
Cut Horehound


3 TBS cut licorice root

4 slices of Ginger.

Put all herbs into a glass or cast iron pot and add 6 cups of water. Simmer until the amount is reduced by half.

Simmer until reduced by half.
Simmer until reduced by half.






Strain the herbs from the liquid. I use a small mesh strainer, and I smash the herbs a bit with the back of a spoon to extract as much liquid as possible.

Straining the herbs from expectorant cough syrup.
Straining the herbs from expectorant cough syrup.

Add about 1 1/2 cup honey (raw, locally produce honey purchased directly from the beekeeper is best).

Mix well. Store in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

My kids and I take 1 to 2 teaspoons every hour or two for coughs with congestion.


Tell me your thoughts.