Changing Your Diet — Advice

I originally posted this on my old Xanga blog on Friday, September 28, 2007. I will be slowly incorporating posts form that blog here, so that I can eventually delete my Xanga account.


Recently, one of the email lists I participate in, a woman wrote the list asking how, exactly, she was supposed to change her diet. Her email mentioned a husband and children she was responsible for feeding, and she really didn’t have the energy to cook separate meals for herself and her family. She went on to say she was completely and utterly overwhelmed by all the suggested dietary changes. Overwhelmed to the point of depression. She wanted to change her diet, but felt it was an impossible task.

And, she’s not alone. Many people think changing their diet is impossible. In today’s fast food, genetically engineered, hormone enhanced, MSG laced food marketplace it is difficult to eat healthful foods. But, with a plan of attack and reminders of what’s at stake, it is possible to make the change.

In my opinion, the absolutely most important thing to cut from the diet is processed food. Especially anything that has MSG or aspartame in it. MSG is a neurotransmitter that basically travels through the body turning on the nerve cells on. This will cause MS symptoms. I know people who have regained the ability to walk after going of MSG and aspartame.

So.. how do you go about removing these deadly chemicals from your diet?

The key is to make consistent, slow, small changes.

Stop eating fast food.

Get in the habit of taking a homemade lunch to work or school and plan ahead for those nights when you have no time to cook.  I keep 2 or 3 days of homemade dinners in my freezer for those nights when things are hectic or I just don’t have the energy to prepare a meal.

If you don’t already have one, buy a crock pot. You can spend  15 minutes in the morning before work or school loading up your crock pot, turn it on low and by the magic of slow cooking dinner will be ready when you walk in the door. And, as an added bonus, the house will smell wonderful.

Keep a bag of nuts, dried fruit, or other healthful snack in the glove box of your car for those times you’re on the road and hunger hits.

Plan ahead.

Read product labels. FDA rules state manufactures only have to list MSG as an ingredient if  it is added at their plant. When they obtain an ingredient manufactured somewhere else which contains MSG, they do not have to list it on the ingredient list. Check out NoMSG .com and MSG Myth  for more detailed information.

Here is a list of the most common phrases used to hide MSG in your food.

  • Anything “hydrolized”
  • Anything “autolyzed”
  • Seaweed, soy, yeast, or fish “extract”
  • Monopotassium glutamate
  • Glutamic acid
  • Gelatin
  • Sodium Caseinate
  • Textured Protein
  • Yeast Nutrient
  • Soy protein, Soy Isolate, Soy Sauce
  • Carageenan
  • “Natural Flavors and Ingredients”

Give yourself 2 or 3 weeks to get used to this new routine and then cut out any and all diet products you use.

If you drink diet soda switch to a flavored water, or homemade iced tea. Water is best, but we’re taking small, manageable steps.

Use real sugar. Of course, this means you’ll have to cut down on the amount of sweet stuff you consume, but a few extra calories are much better than putting damaging chemicals into your body. If you are very concerned about calorie intake, consider switching to Stevia. People in all over the world have been using Stevia for centuries with no ill effect. Look it up.

Now that you have cut out all the artificial and chemical contaminants you’ve been putting into your body, you will probably experience an improvement of some of your symptoms. And, maybe you won’t. Some people have such a high toxic load that it takes a couple months of great eating, supplements and wonderful nutrition for the damage to repair itself.

Give yourself a good month to adjust to the changes you’ve just make before undertaking the next step in revamping your diet.

Tell me your thoughts.